How to think like Einstein
Thorpe, Scott
How to think like Einstein simple ways to break the rules and discover your hidden genius Scott Thorpe - New Delhi Dreamtech 2008 - 231 p. Paper
Think like Albert! Learn the techniques used by Einstein, and other great geniuses, to expand your mind and dream up the craziest, but most practical solutions of your life. Whether you're trying to develop a new product for your company, get your kids to bed on time or eliminate world hunger, this audiobook provides the tools for discovering breakthrough answers to common, and not-so-common, challenges.
Problem solving.
Creative thinking.
How to think like Einstein simple ways to break the rules and discover your hidden genius Scott Thorpe - New Delhi Dreamtech 2008 - 231 p. Paper
Think like Albert! Learn the techniques used by Einstein, and other great geniuses, to expand your mind and dream up the craziest, but most practical solutions of your life. Whether you're trying to develop a new product for your company, get your kids to bed on time or eliminate world hunger, this audiobook provides the tools for discovering breakthrough answers to common, and not-so-common, challenges.
Problem solving.
Creative thinking.