IES Management College And Research Centre

Business economics:

Adhikary Manab;

Business economics: - 2 - New Delhi Excel Books 2009 - ix, 621 p. Paper

A trend setting book in the field of Economics, by an author of pioneering contributions in varied disciplines. The present volume is written in a simple and lucid style to equip the reader with a toolkit of economic analysis. (Part-1) reviews the established Concepts and Techniques before venturing into applications of business decisions. (Part-2) is designed for a thorough Microeconomic Analysis of Business Units. Macroeconomic Analysis forms the subject matter in Part-3. Keeping in mind, the latest developments in economic theory and the complex dynamics of the economic world, the author evaluates present day Business Ethics. Considering the growing spate of `Economic Offences`, in and around the world of business and government, the debate and discussion of this issue will certainly interest the readers (Part-4). Theory is substantiated by not only cases but also a monologue encompassing the current state of economics, economists and economies.


Business Economics

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