IES Management College And Research Centre

Magic numbers for human resource management :

Bucknall, Hugh

Magic numbers for human resource management : basic measures to achieve better results Hugh Bucknall, Zheng Wei. - New Delhi Wiley India Pvt Ltd. 2007 - 178 P. Paper

Acknowledgements. Glossary. Introduction. PART ONE: MAGIC NUMBERS FOR PRODUCTIVITY AND EFFICIENCY. 1. Absenteeism rate by job category and job performance. 2. Accident costs. 3. Average time for dispute resolution. 4. Cost per hire. 5. Finance staff as a percentage of total staff. 6. Overtime hours. 7. The HR budget as a percentage of sales. 8. HR staff as a percentage of total staff. 9. IT staff as a percentage of total staff. 10. Marketing staff as a percentage of total staff. 11. Payroll staff as a percentage of total staff. 12. Percentage of employees making suggestions. 13. Process--cycle time. 14. Profit per employee. 15. Response time per request for information. 16. Sick--leave rate. 17. Sick days per full--time equivalent employee per year. 18. The cost of medical distribursement by category of ailment. 19. Time taken to fill a job vacancy. PART TWO: MAGIC NUMBERS FOR STAFFING AND LEARNING. 20. Staff--Turnover cost by recruitment source. 21. employee--engagement index. 22. Involuntary staff--turnover rate. 23. Turnover rate by job category and job performance. 24. Voluntary staff--turnover rate 25. Competency--development expense per employee. 26. Training hours per employee. 27. Cost per trainee hour. 28. Percentage of employees trained, by category. PART THREE: MAGIC NUMBERS FOR TALENT AND REWARD. 29. Internal--hire probability. 30. Retention rate of key employees. 31. Range (distribution) of performance--appraisal ratings. 32. Job Evaluation. 33. Firm salary/competitor salary ratio. 34. Incentive compensation differential. 35. The Black--Scholes method of calculating stock--option values. 36. Total compensation expense per employee. Conclusion. Appendices. Index.

This book simply outlines a range of the key measures that any HR , financial or business manager can use to address this situation in a more business--like manner. For each definition, there is not only a description of the measure but also why it has vital significance to managing business better.


Human Resource Management
Personnel management.
Employees--Rating of.
Personnel Management.


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