IES Management College And Research Centre

Peripheral Vision

Day, George S and Schoemaker, Paul J.H

Peripheral Vision detecting the weak signals that will make or break your company George S Day ; Paul J H Schoemaker - Boston Harvard Business School Press 2006 - 248p Hard

The periphery : why it matters --
Scoping : where to look --
Scanning : how to look --
Interpreting : what the data mean --
Probing : how to explore more closely --
Acting : what to do with these insights --
Organizing : how to develop vigilance --
Leading : an agenda for action.

From emerging technologies to changes in consumer tastes, tremendous opportunities and threats often begin as weak signals from the periphery. How good is your organisation at sensing, interpreting and acting on these signals? This book helps an organization see further to seize the opportunities and avoid the risks that come from the periphery.


Strategic Management

/ 658.4012

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