Analysis And Present Research Information
Hansford, Loris
Analysis And Present Research Information Hansford, Loris - New Delhi Excel Books 2012 - XV, 151
cel Books, 2012. Softcover. Book Condition: New. This book focuses on explaining several ways to find, analyse, present and structure information. It explains how to collate and access information, what are online and non-electronic sources of information, and how to update, modify and maintain information that is already stored. Further, it describes objectives of research, search tools (such as Boolean Operators), methods of data analysis and presentation of information through reports. Printed Pages: 168. Bookseller Inventory # 84232
Research Methodology, Business Research Methodology
001.42 / HAN
Analysis And Present Research Information Hansford, Loris - New Delhi Excel Books 2012 - XV, 151
cel Books, 2012. Softcover. Book Condition: New. This book focuses on explaining several ways to find, analyse, present and structure information. It explains how to collate and access information, what are online and non-electronic sources of information, and how to update, modify and maintain information that is already stored. Further, it describes objectives of research, search tools (such as Boolean Operators), methods of data analysis and presentation of information through reports. Printed Pages: 168. Bookseller Inventory # 84232
Research Methodology, Business Research Methodology
001.42 / HAN