IES Management College And Research Centre

Economic development

Todaro, Michael P

Economic development Michael P Todaro and Stephen C. Smith - 10 - Noida Pearson Education, 2012 - 861 p. Paper

Table of Content
I. Principles and Concepts

Economics, Institutions, and Development: A Global Perspective
Comparative Economic Development
Classic Theories of Economic Growth and Development
Contemporary Models of Development and Underdevelopment

II. Problems and Policies: Domestic

Poverty, Inequality, and Development
Population Growth and Economic Development: Causes, Consequences, and Controversies
Urbanization and Rural-Urban Migration: Theory and Policy
Human Capital: Education and Health in Economic Development
Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development
The Environment and Development
Development Policymaking and the Roles of Market, State, and Civil Society

III. Problems and Policies: International and Macro

International Trade Theory and Development Strategy
Balance of Payments, Developing-Country Debt, and the Macroeconomic Stabilization Controversy
Foreign Finance, Investment, and Aid: Controversies and Opportunities
Finance and Fiscal Policy for Development
Some Critical Issues for the Twenty-First Century

Salient Features

The hallmark approach, shaped by the authors’ personal experience and extensive research:
Country-specific Case Studies at the end of each chapter reflect and illustrate specific problems discussed in the chapter.
Voices of the Poor boxes give students perspective on the issues faced by citizens in developing and underdeveloped nations.
Coverage of topics is structured to allow instructors to adapt lecture topics based on their individual course.
Essential principles of economics relevant to understanding development problems are highlighted in boldface and are explained in detail where appropriate.
The material is sufficiently broad in scope and rigorous in coverage to be used in any undergraduate and some graduate development economics courses.

conomic Development is the leading textbook in this field, providing a complete and balanced introduction to the requisite theory, the driving policy issues, and the latest research.

Todaro and Smith take a policy-oriented approach, presenting economic theory in the context of critical policy debates and country-specific case studies so students see how theory relates to the problems and prospects of developing countries. In the Tenth Edition, the authors integrate new discussions of hot topic research areas such as gender, colonialism, and natural resources, and they update the extensive applications, data, and country-specific case studies throughout.


Economic Development


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