IES Management College And Research Centre

Pharmaceutical analysis

P D Chaithanya Sudha

Pharmaceutical analysis P D Chaithanya Sudha - Delhi Pearson Education India Pvt. Ltd. 2013 - xxxvi,736 p. Paper

Table of Content

1. Introduction to Analysis
2. Physical Analytical Methods
3. Titrimetric Methods
4. Electro analytical Methods
5. Spectroanalytical Methods
6. Chromatographic Techniques
7. Reagents
8. Radiometric Analysis
9. Analysis of Functional groups
10. Analysis of pharmaceutical agents
11. Analysis of packing materials
12. Analysis of Biological compounds (ELISA and other Bioassays)
13. Thermal analysis
14. Analysis of water
15. Analysis of food components
16. Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs
17. Concept of Validation
18. Statistical Analysis

Pharmaceutical Analysis is a compulsory subject offered to all the under graduate students of Pharmacy. This book on Pharmaceutical Analysis has been designed considering the syllabi requirements laid down by AICTE and other premier institutes/universities. The book covers both the Titrimetric and Instrumental aspects of Pharmaceutical analysis which is helpful for use in multiple semesters.


Pharmaceutical Management


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