Study of prescription behaviour of Doctors with regards to imipenem/cilastatin and study of perception of Doctors about current Anti Anginal Market
Naik, Pradnya
Study of prescription behaviour of Doctors with regards to imipenem/cilastatin and study of perception of Doctors about current Anti Anginal Market Naik, Pradnya - PG-10-94 2010-2012 - Mumbai IES's Management College and Research Centre April 2011 - CD
Name of the Guide: Prof. Parag Mahulikar
Consumer Behavior
Study of prescription behaviour of Doctors with regards to imipenem/cilastatin and study of perception of Doctors about current Anti Anginal Market Naik, Pradnya - PG-10-94 2010-2012 - Mumbai IES's Management College and Research Centre April 2011 - CD
Name of the Guide: Prof. Parag Mahulikar
Consumer Behavior