Study about the awareness of probiotic sugar-free Ice Creams, forzen yoghurt & future straegies for AMUL
Gandhi, Swapnil
Study about the awareness of probiotic sugar-free Ice Creams, forzen yoghurt & future straegies for AMUL Gandhi, Swapnil - PG-12-17 2012-2014 - Mumbai IES's Management College and Research Centre April 2013 - CD
Name of the Guide: Prof Parag Mahulikar
Marketing Strategies
Study about the awareness of probiotic sugar-free Ice Creams, forzen yoghurt & future straegies for AMUL Gandhi, Swapnil - PG-12-17 2012-2014 - Mumbai IES's Management College and Research Centre April 2013 - CD
Name of the Guide: Prof Parag Mahulikar
Marketing Strategies