Banking sector reforms and agricultural finance
Mishra, R.K.
Banking sector reforms and agricultural finance - New Delhi Sonali Publications 2013 - 456 Paper
Contents :
Reforms in Banking Sector
WTO Developemnt
Banking Environment
Banking sectors reforms have been examined in the light of utilization of agricultural loand and its repayment. Micro level data were collected from five villages each under irrigated and rain fed ecosystem in Orissa India. This book will be useful to post graduate and research scholars and other professionals having interest in fianance.
Banking sector
Agricultural finance
Banking sector reforms and agricultural finance - New Delhi Sonali Publications 2013 - 456 Paper
Contents :
Reforms in Banking Sector
WTO Developemnt
Banking Environment
Banking sectors reforms have been examined in the light of utilization of agricultural loand and its repayment. Micro level data were collected from five villages each under irrigated and rain fed ecosystem in Orissa India. This book will be useful to post graduate and research scholars and other professionals having interest in fianance.
Banking sector
Agricultural finance