IES Management College And Research Centre

Complete business statistics

Aczel, Amir D; Sounderpandian; Jayavel; Saravanan, Palanisamy; Joshi, Rohit

Complete business statistics - 7 - Chennai McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited 2012 - xxvii, 960p. Paper With CD

Chapter 0: Working with Templates
Chapter 1: Introduction and Descriptive Statistics
Chapter 2: Probability
Chapter 3: Random Variables
Chapter 4: The Normal Distribution
Chapter 5: Sampling and Sampling Distributions
Chapter 6: Confidence Intervals
Chapter 7: Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 8: The Comparison of Two Populations
Chapter 9: Analysis of Variance
Chapter 10: Simple Linear Regression and Correlation
Chapter 11: Multiple Regression
Chapter 12: Time Series, Forecasting, and Index Numbers
Chapter 13: Quality Control and Improvement
Chapter 14: Nonparametric Methods and Chi-Square Tests
Chapter 15: Bayesian Statistics and Decision Analysis
Appendix A References
Appendix B Answers to Most Odd-Numbered Problems
Appendix C Statistical Tables
ON the CD
Chapter 16:Sampling Methods
Chapter 17: Multivariate Analysis


Traditionally, this text has been praised for its quality of presentation and the richness of problem sets that are realistic, stimulating and challenging. The new edition continues to provide students with a solid understanding of statistical concepts and rich problems to stimulate learning. In addition, students will be exposed to the most current uses of technology in business statistics. Students and instructors alike will enjoy using this text that now has more Excel and other software applications integrated than ever before.


Business statistics


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