IES Management College And Research Centre

Sales and distribution management

Panda, Tapan K; Sahadev, Sunil

Sales and distribution management Tapan K Panda and Sunil Sahadev - 2 - New Delhi Oxford University Press 2012 - xviii, 725 P. Paper

Table of contents

Chapter 1. Introduction to Sales Management
Chapter 2. Selling Skills and Selling Strategies
Chapter 3. The Selling Process
Chapter 4. Managing Sales Information
Chapter 5. Sales Force Automation
Chapter 6. Sales Organization
Chapter 7. Management of Sales Territory
Chapter 8. Management of Sales Quota
Chapter 9. Recruitment and Selection of the Sales Force
Chapter 10. Training the Sales Force
Chapter 11. Sales Force Motivation
Chapter 12. Sales Force Compensation
Chapter 13. Sales Force Control
Chapter 14. Evaluation of the Sales Force
Chapter 15. Distribution Channel Management-An Introduction
Chapter 16. Designing Customer-oriented Marketing Channels
Chapter 17. Customer-oriented Logistics Management
Chapter 18. Channel Information Systems
Chapter 19. Managing Channel Member Behaviour
Chapter 20. Managing Wholesalers and Franchisees
Chapter 21. Retail Management
Chapter 22. Managing the International Channels of Distribution


The second edition of Sales and Distribution Management is a comprehensive textbook, which has been updated and enlarged with new chapters. Specially designed to meet the requirements of management students specializing in sales and marketing, it gives a balanced presentation of the concepts of sales and distribution through examples and cases.

Readers will find this textbook highly useful for its application of theoretical concepts explained through illustrative corporate examples and cases.

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Sales and distribution management


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