Digital marketing solutions for house of hirnandani, Moch, TAS, Foodhall at Dentus Webchutney
Gimonkar, Tejas
Digital marketing solutions for house of hirnandani, Moch, TAS, Foodhall at Dentus Webchutney - M-14-15 2014-2016 - Mumbai IES's Management College and Research Centre April 2015 - Summer project CD
Name of the Guide: Prof. Suhas Pai
Digital marketing
Digital marketing solutions for house of hirnandani, Moch, TAS, Foodhall at Dentus Webchutney - M-14-15 2014-2016 - Mumbai IES's Management College and Research Centre April 2015 - Summer project CD
Name of the Guide: Prof. Suhas Pai
Digital marketing