IES Management College And Research Centre

What exceptional leaders know: high impact skills, strategies and ideas for leaders

Spears, Tracy; Schmader, Wally

What exceptional leaders know: high impact skills, strategies and ideas for leaders - Mumbai Jaico Publishing House 2018 - 259 Paper

High Impact Skills, Strategies and Ideas for Leaders

Exceptional Leaders are constantly reinventing themselves… they do not coast.

What Exceptional Leaders Know delivers high-impact skills, strategies and ideas in a practical and user-friendly way. Readers will find information they can begin using right away to become a much more effective and influential leader. The recommendations are organized into six sections, each focused on a key set of high-level leadership skills. These ideas and strategies have worked for hundreds of top-performing leaders. Spend some time with this book and you will know What Exceptional Leaders Know.

Tracy Spears is an internationally recognized speaker, trainer, and thought leader. Her broad expertise, combined with her relatable and passionate delivery, have made her one of the most in-demand speakers in America. Tracy is the founder of the Exceptional Leaders Lab and is based in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Wally Schmader is a deeply-experienced leadership trainer, facilitator and coach. He has developed programs and content that have influenced thousands of leaders and professionals worldwide. He is based in Norfolk, Virginia.




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