IES Management College And Research Centre

Allopathic Doctors in India Estimates, Norms and Projections

Zodpey, Sanjay

Allopathic Doctors in India Estimates, Norms and Projections - 151–163 p.


India is a country of 1.32 billion. The World Health Organization recommends, one doctor to serve 1,000 people, across all levels of care. This implies, we need a total of 1.2 million doctors to serve our population. India plans to establish 200 new medical colleges in the next 10 years to meet a projected shortage of 600,000 doctors. However, the information available on allopathic doctors have largely been fragmented and unreliable. A comprehensive search was undertaken to find out the estimates, norms and projections for allopathic doctors provided by the various health committees and experts in India. The Bhore, Sokhey & Mudaliar Committees, Five-year Planning Commission Reports, MCI Vision 2015 document and High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) report on Universal Health Coverage in have yielded estimates, norms and projections for allopathic doctors. The targeted doctor population ratio of 1:1000 could be achieved by 2027 as per HLEG and by 2031 as per MCI Vision 2015. This study emphasizes the estimates and norms of doctors as reported by the Government and allied agencies need strengthening for comprehensiveness and reliability to report information on the allopathic doctors. An important recommendation for the state professional councils is to maintain a live register of health workers.

Allopathic doctors projection estimates norms doctor–population ratio India

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