IES Management College And Research Centre

Wealth Management for Women Investors: The Indian Context

Solomon , Priya

Wealth Management for Women Investors: The Indian Context - 24-36 p.

The responsibility of managing and accumulating family wealth is increasingly being undertaken by women in developed and developing countries. Wealth advisors and managers must provide differentiated investment avenues targeting women investors to provide a level playing field and promote gender inclusiveness in this hitherto traditionally male-dominated domain. The present paper explores the exogenous factors that influence wealth investment by women to find out what wealth managers must do to serve women investors better in future. The primary data was collected from 250 respondents comprising professionals, housewives and self-employed women in the age group of 30 to 65 years. The questionnaire helps to explore the preferences, personal goals, basis of investment decision and considerations affecting the choice of wealth managers/advisors. The paper seeks to give recommendations to assist wealth managers to address the 'experience gaps' and better connect with this vital and fast-growing women investors segment of wealth market

Wealth management services; Women capitalists & financiers Decision making in business; Investment advisors Market segmentation; Portfolio Management; Investment Advice

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