"Corporate Governance Practices and its impact on Capital Adequacy Performance, Earnings Efficiency Performance and Asset Quality Performance of Listed Indian Commercial Banks an Empirical Analysis"
SHAH Rushabh
"Corporate Governance Practices and its impact on Capital Adequacy Performance, Earnings Efficiency Performance and Asset Quality Performance of Listed Indian Commercial Banks an Empirical Analysis" - M-17- 43 - Mumbai IES Management College and Research Centre Apr-19 - yes
Prof. Svetlana Tatuskar
"Corporate governance practices, impact on capital adequacy performance, earnings efficiency performance and asset quality performance, listed banks, empirical analysis"
"Corporate Governance Practices and its impact on Capital Adequacy Performance, Earnings Efficiency Performance and Asset Quality Performance of Listed Indian Commercial Banks an Empirical Analysis" - M-17- 43 - Mumbai IES Management College and Research Centre Apr-19 - yes
Prof. Svetlana Tatuskar
"Corporate governance practices, impact on capital adequacy performance, earnings efficiency performance and asset quality performance, listed banks, empirical analysis"