IES Management College And Research Centre

An Ecosystems Perspective on International Human Resource Development: A Meta-Synthesis of the Literature

Garavan, Thomas N.

An Ecosystems Perspective on International Human Resource Development: A Meta-Synthesis of the Literature - 248-288 p.

There has been significant growth of interest in both international human resource development (IHRD) and ecosystems research. Both literatures highlight important characteristics of each concept; however, to date, they have not yet been linked. We propose an ecosystem perspective as an important framework to understand IHRD. Ecosystems emphasize interdependencies, actor centrality, bargaining power, and relationships between actors as important in shaping IHRD. We utilize a meta-synthesis of the IHRD literature to identify content and process dimensions of an IHRD ecosystem. We conclude with a discussion of implications for IHRD research.

International HRD Ecosystem Theory Theory Building

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