Predictors and Outcomes of Work-Family Enrichment: An Empirical Study of Married Private School Teachers.
Chhetri, Sabina Baniya
Predictors and Outcomes of Work-Family Enrichment: An Empirical Study of Married Private School Teachers. - 63-89. p.
Work-life balance has started to become an issue even in developing countries due to an increasing number of women joining the workforce either due to financial necessities or desire to pursue a career. While the acceptance of women joining the workforce is visible in Nepal, their traditional household roles have not changed, which has created a challenge for both the genders. Hence, this study attempts to establish predictor variables and outcome variables of positive aspect of Work-Family Balance: Work-Family Enrichment (WFE) and Family-Work Enrichment (FWE) and its mediating effect. The sample included 402 married school teachers working full-time in various private schools in the Kathmandu valley. The results in general found support for many of the hypothesized relationship between predictor variables: Core Self-Evaluation (CSE), Perceived Organizational Support (POS), WFE and FWE. Likewise, WFE, FWE and outcome variables--affective commitment, job satisfaction, and family satisfaction--have a significant relationship. Both WFE and FWE partially mediated all the hypothesized relationship between predictor variables and outcome variables. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Teachers Women's employment Job satisfaction
Predictors and Outcomes of Work-Family Enrichment: An Empirical Study of Married Private School Teachers. - 63-89. p.
Work-life balance has started to become an issue even in developing countries due to an increasing number of women joining the workforce either due to financial necessities or desire to pursue a career. While the acceptance of women joining the workforce is visible in Nepal, their traditional household roles have not changed, which has created a challenge for both the genders. Hence, this study attempts to establish predictor variables and outcome variables of positive aspect of Work-Family Balance: Work-Family Enrichment (WFE) and Family-Work Enrichment (FWE) and its mediating effect. The sample included 402 married school teachers working full-time in various private schools in the Kathmandu valley. The results in general found support for many of the hypothesized relationship between predictor variables: Core Self-Evaluation (CSE), Perceived Organizational Support (POS), WFE and FWE. Likewise, WFE, FWE and outcome variables--affective commitment, job satisfaction, and family satisfaction--have a significant relationship. Both WFE and FWE partially mediated all the hypothesized relationship between predictor variables and outcome variables. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Teachers Women's employment Job satisfaction