Bangladeshi Migration to India: Hindrance to Regional Cooperation
Sahoo, Rudra Prasad
Bangladeshi Migration to India: Hindrance to Regional Cooperation - 26-37 p.
The IUP Journal of International Relations, Vol. XIII, No. 3, 201926Bangladeshi Migration to India:Hindrance to Regional CooperationIllegal Bangladeshi migration is a matter of concern and has posed a great threat tothe national security of India. The issue of illegal Bangladeshi migration remains apotent political issue and assumes much significance in India-Bangladesh bilateralrelations, especially in the context of taking a decision in shaping India’s foreignpolicy. How to respond to internal and external threats coming from illegal Bangladeshimigrants is a major challenge. Even more difficult is how to guide India’s policy withinthe region and other regions for fostering cooperation to achieve India’s larger nationaland regional security interest. This issue of illegal migration is a sensitive matter andneeds meticulous thinking in the geopolitical chessboard of the Indian subcontinent.Hence, this paper attempts to explain how to deal with the illegal Bangladeshi migrationissue in order to minimize the threat to India’s internal security and provide the rightapproach to achieve regional cooperation.
Bangladeshi migration National security India
Bangladeshi Migration to India: Hindrance to Regional Cooperation - 26-37 p.
The IUP Journal of International Relations, Vol. XIII, No. 3, 201926Bangladeshi Migration to India:Hindrance to Regional CooperationIllegal Bangladeshi migration is a matter of concern and has posed a great threat tothe national security of India. The issue of illegal Bangladeshi migration remains apotent political issue and assumes much significance in India-Bangladesh bilateralrelations, especially in the context of taking a decision in shaping India’s foreignpolicy. How to respond to internal and external threats coming from illegal Bangladeshimigrants is a major challenge. Even more difficult is how to guide India’s policy withinthe region and other regions for fostering cooperation to achieve India’s larger nationaland regional security interest. This issue of illegal migration is a sensitive matter andneeds meticulous thinking in the geopolitical chessboard of the Indian subcontinent.Hence, this paper attempts to explain how to deal with the illegal Bangladeshi migrationissue in order to minimize the threat to India’s internal security and provide the rightapproach to achieve regional cooperation.
Bangladeshi migration National security India