Growth and Development of Mutual Fund in India
Shrivastava, Anoop
Growth and Development of Mutual Fund in India - 227—236 p.
Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations
I. Introduction : Mutual Fund in IndiaMUTUAL FUND IS an expert financial intermediary through whichinvestors can invest their savings into securities so that return can begenerated. There after this return is distributed to investors afterdeducting stipulated expenses. The ownership of mutual fund is in handsof investors. It has a predetermined system of working which iscontrolled by many agencies so that working can be ensured in rulebased, transparent ways to achieve investment objectives. Investors ofmutual fund are known as unit holders. Mutual fund prohibits borrowedmoney to invest in.In the Economics, growth and development are not same. A rise innational income is called as national growth where as development of nationis related with structural changes in the path of economic progress of acountry by taking care of “haves not” segment of the country so that thissegment get benefit at first and later on contribute in economic progress.Environmental issues and social justice are included in the economicdevelopment
Mutual Funds in India
Growth and Development of Mutual Fund in India - 227—236 p.
Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations
I. Introduction : Mutual Fund in IndiaMUTUAL FUND IS an expert financial intermediary through whichinvestors can invest their savings into securities so that return can begenerated. There after this return is distributed to investors afterdeducting stipulated expenses. The ownership of mutual fund is in handsof investors. It has a predetermined system of working which iscontrolled by many agencies so that working can be ensured in rulebased, transparent ways to achieve investment objectives. Investors ofmutual fund are known as unit holders. Mutual fund prohibits borrowedmoney to invest in.In the Economics, growth and development are not same. A rise innational income is called as national growth where as development of nationis related with structural changes in the path of economic progress of acountry by taking care of “haves not” segment of the country so that thissegment get benefit at first and later on contribute in economic progress.Environmental issues and social justice are included in the economicdevelopment
Mutual Funds in India