IES Management College And Research Centre

Interview with Steve Rader: Nasa's value co-creation approach

Fatiha Boukouyen

Interview with Steve Rader: Nasa's value co-creation approach - New Delhi Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd., May 2024 - 146-149

Steve Rader is the Program Manager of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Center of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation (CoECI) and the NASA Tournament Lab, which are working to infuse challenge and crowdsourcing innovation approaches at NASA and across the federal government. The CoECI is a crowdsourcing platform, which launches various challenges and invites participants worldwide to create innovative solutions for NASA and the US government. Steve holds a mechanical engineering degree from Rice University and has worked at NASA’s Johnson Space Center for 33 years. In 2015, Steve was named as one of the 20 Challenge Mentors for the US Government Services Administration’s Prizes and Challenges for the government-wide community of practice.


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