Summary, etc |
The Book "Mathematics for Business and Economics with Applications" is divided into Two Volumes. The First Volume consists of Unit-I of Ten Chapters of around 800 pages and the Second Volume consists of Unit-II and Unit-III of Nine Chapters of around 550 pages. The First Chapter of Vol.-I, viz., Basic Mathematical Concepts and Results in unique because it presents all the basic concepts with aU the formulae required for a social scientist at one place in this chapter. This chapter includes the following topics with properties & formulae : the number system/line, intervals, sets, ratios and proportions, algebraic Inequalities, the I and IT properties, logarithms, Trigonometry (all important foumulae), permutations & combinations. The Binomial theorem (both cases), Equations, Mathematical Induction, AP/GP/HP/A-G, etc., Series-Exponential, logarithmic and Trigonometric, Growth Rates Annuities and Present Value.<br/><br/>The Volume-I discusses Basic Concepts and Results : Functions, Limits and Continuity; Differentiation Simple as well as Partial and Total, Euler`s theorem; Maxima and Minimal functions of one, two, three and n variables with/without constraints; integration; Matrix Algebra-inverse, rank, solution of equations, Gauss method, etc., and I.d./I.i. of Vectors, Quadratic forms and Vector differentiation. All topics have been discussed with Business and Economic Applications.<br/><br/>The Volume-II discussess Differential and Difference equations (All cases), Input/Output analysis, linear Programming (All Cases), Game Theory (All cases), AP/GP/HP/A-G, etc., Equations (All cases), Coordinate Geometry, Growth Rates/Annuities − Finding Amount/Sum and Present Value (All Cases). All topics have been discussed with Business and Economic Applications.<br/><br/> SALIENT FEATURES<br/> Exhaustive and comprehensive coverage of all topics on Mathematics.<br/> Step-by-Step explanation with reasoning of basic concepts in simple and easy to understand language.<br/> Large number of illustrated solved examples (about 1,300) to give an insight into the basic concepts and a better understanding of the subject.<br/> A large number of properly graded problems in the exercise sets (more than 4,000) along with their answers and hints to many problems are given.<br/> A large number of Remarks in each chapter is given to make the real and in-depth meaning of the concept quire clear.<br/> Incorporates the latest examination question papers with answers.<br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> ACCOUNTANCY, AUDITING AND COSTING<br/> BANKING AND MONETARY ECONOMICS<br/> COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT<br/> CBSE<br/> ECONOMICS<br/> MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS<br/> PURE AND APPLIED SCIENCES<br/> COMPUTER SCIENCE<br/> EDUCATION<br/> ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES AND MANAGEMENT<br/> HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY<br/> RESEARCH WORKS<br/> BIOGRAPHIES<br/> POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION<br/> PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY<br/> DEMOGRAPHY AND POPULATION<br/> ENGINEERING<br/> FOOD, NUTRITION AND HOSPITALITY<br/> LIBRARY SCIENCE AND FINE ARTS<br/> ENCYCLOPAEDIA<br/> DICTIONARIES<br/> COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION<br/> MAHARASHTRA - HIGHER SECONDARY : STD XI AND XII<br/> FICTION<br/> PHILOSOPHY<br/> UNIVERSITY WISE BOOKS<br/> <br/> |