TY - BOOK AU - Baker, John P TI - Observations from an analysis of the US Army’s Reserve Officer Training Corps leadership assessment and development course KW - Assessment KW - development KW - multivariate KW - leader KW - logistic KW - Army N1 - This study analyzed data from the US Army’s Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC) leader development and assessment course (LDAC) leader development program. A quantitative analysis using data spanning 11 years and over 47,000 leadership assessments using 16 leader dimensions allowed for a multivariate logistic regression analysis that determined the nature and duration of activities that had the greatest influence on the overall leader development rating. A descriptive analysis using frequency distributions provides insights to the influences of gender, race, and age on the leadership assessments. Current and future leader development programs can adjust or incorporate findings from this study to enhance programs and more effectively achieve stated outcomes. ER -