TY - BOOK AU - Müller-Stewens, J. AU - Schlager, Tobias AU - Häubl, Gerald AU - Herrmann, Andreas TI - Gamified Information Presentation and Consumer Adoption of Product Innovations. KW - Consumer adoption of product innovations KW - Information presentation KW - Games, KW - Curiosity KW - Relative advantage N2 - This research examines the effect of gami fi ed information presentation — conveying information about a product innovation in the form of a game — on consumer adoption of that innovation. The key hypothesis is that gami fi ed information presentation promotes consumer innov ation adoption and that it does so through two parallel psychological processes — by increasing consumer playfulness, which stimulates curiosity about the innovation, and by enhancing the perceived vividness of information presentation, which increases the perceived advantage of the innovation relative to (less innovative) competing products. Evidence from seven studies, including two fi eld experiments, supports this theorizing. The results also show that for gami fi ed information presentation to increase innovation adoption, it is essential that the information is integrated into the game. These fi ndings advance the understanding of the psychological forces that govern how consumers respond to receiving product information in the form of games, and they have important practical implications for how fi rms might use gami fi ed information presentation to promote sales of new products UR - http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=19e024af-c6b9-4244-808f-455749472021%40sessionmgr103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=122682368&db=bsh ER -