TY - BOOK AU - Walia, Kranti AU - Nishtha TI - The Relationship Between Employee Wellbeing and Spirituality at Workplace KW - Employee wellbeing KW - Workplace Spirituality N2 - Employee wellbeing has progressively become a common topic in organizational research. Therefore, the study focuses on employee wellbeing, i.e., work satisfaction, organizational respect, employer care and intrusion of work into their private life as well as the relationship between employee wellbeing and spirituality at the workplace. This study explores employee wellbeing and various dimensions of spirituality (compassion, mindfulness, meaningful work, transcendence). This study is conducted using the survey questionnaire method. Questionnaire of employee wellbeing is adapted from the Blackdog Institute, and Workplace Spirituality part is adapted from Campbell and Stanley (1963). The questionnaire is divided into two sections—the first section is of wellbeing that has 31 statements and the second section is of workplace spirituality having 22 statements. Two hundred and sixty seven (267) participants were considered for the study who are the employees of four different industries, i.e., IT, banking, construction, and media. Based on the findings, spirituality’s dimensions, i.e., meaning of work and transcendence, are found to be the significant predictors of employee wellbeing. These two dimensions were found to have a significant relationship with employee wellbeing as well as a significant impact on employee wellbeing. It is also found that there is no significant difference in the level of employee wellbeing in different sectors ER -