IES Management College And Research Centre

201 ways to turn any employee into a star performer

Hawley, Casey Fitts

201 ways to turn any employee into a star performer Casey Fitts Hawley - New Delhi Tata McGrawHill Publishing Company Ltd. 2003 - 197 P. Paper

An introduction to performance issues --
Creating goals for turnaround --
Stellar long-term performance : the performance appraisal and development plan --
Stopping problems at the first sign : motivation to change --
The problem with a great employee --
The tardy employee --
The absent employee --
The unfocused, spacey, chatty, or easily distracted employee --
The inappropriate employee --
The unproductive employee --
The low-quality employee --
The shy or uncommunicative employee --
The overpowering employee --
The power-seeking employee --
The unmotivated employee --
The employee who complains or gossips --
The employee who mismanages priorities or experiences burnout--
The angry employee --
The employee with personal problems or addictions.

This title provides strategies that managers can use to handle a wide range of problems - from excessive smoke breaks and constant complaining to sloppy work and lack of initiative. It will assist managers in turning potential problem employees into top performers.

9780070594197 0-07-059419-8

Problem employees
Employee motivation
Performance Management.


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