IES Management College And Research Centre

Kellogg on branding :

Tybout, Alice M

Kellogg on branding : the marketing faculty of the Kellogg School of Management Alice M Tybout; Tim Calkins; Kellogg School of Management. - New Delhi Wiley India Pvt Ltd. 2011 - XVII, 334 Paper

Foreword by Philip Kotler i
Preface Alice M. Tybout and Tim Calkins iii
Introduction Tim Calkins viii
Section I: Key Branding Concepts
1. Brand Positioning Alice M. Tybout and Brian Sternthal 1
2. Designing Brands Bobby J. Calder 18
3. Brand Meaning John F. Sherry, Jr. 31
Section II: Strategies for Building and Leveraging Brands
4. Competitive Brand Strategies Gregory S. Carpenter and Kent Nakamoto 62
5. Brand Extensions Bridgette M. Braig and Alice M. Tybout 80
6. Brand Portfolio Strategy Tim Calkins 94
Section III: From Strategy to Implementation
7. Building Brands Through Effective Advertising Brian Sternthal and Angela Y. Lee 115
8. Relationship Branding and CRM Edward C. Malthouse and Bobby J. Calder 137
9. Brand Strategy for Business Markets James C. Anderson and Gregory S. Carpenter 157
10. Services Branding Amy L. Ostrum, Dawn Iacobucci and Felicia N.
Morgan 172
11. Branding in Technology Markets Mohanbir Sawhney 187
12. Building a Brand-Driven Organization Scott Davis 209
13. Measuring Brand Value Don E. Schultz and Heidi F. Schultz 224

Section IV: Branding Insights from Senior Managers
14. Mark R. Goldston Using Positioning to Build a Mega-Brand 247
Chairman, CEO and President, United Online
15. Mark Shapiro Marketing Leverage in the Frame of Reference 255
Principal, New England Consulting Group
16. Carol L. Bernick Finding the Right Brand Name 261
Chairman, Alberto-Culver Company
17. Betsy Holden Building Global Brands 269
President, Global Marketing and Category Development, Kraft Foods
18. Gary A. Mecklenburg Branding and Organizational Culture 277
President and CEO, Northwestern Memorial HealthCare

19. E. David Coolidge III Branding and the Organization 285
Vice Chairman, William Blair & Company

20. Ed Buckley Internal Branding 293
Vice President, UPS
Matt Williams
Senior Vice President, Martin Agency

Faculty members from the Kellogg School of Management discuss brand management, combining the latest thinking with practical exercises to present a blueprint for a brand management strategy that offers increased customer loyalty, competitive advantage & profitability.


Brand Management

Brand name products -- Management.

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