IES Management College And Research Centre

New Product Development

Brooke, Michael Z

New Product Development successful innovation in the marketplace Michael Z. Brooke and William Ronald Mills - New Delhi Jaico Publishing House 2004 - 219p Hard

pt. I. Finding new products --
1. Innovation : a relentless thrust --
Three levels of innovative vision --
Product and service superiority --
The Bowers Group : a subsidiary of Spear and Jackson Plc. --
2. Making innovations happen --
An example : Terrofin Inc. --
Genevac Limited --
pt. II. Moving on, successful developments --
3. Success --
Success factors --
British Gas Services Ltd. --
4. Hitting the ground running --
Thinking and jumping --
Quick response --
Siddall and Hilton Ltd. --
Communications --
5. Ideas, ideas, ideas --
Ideas from within the business --
Ideas from outside the business --
Strategic alliances --
Environmentally friendly products --
6. Product development : corporate strategy --
The corporate strategy : targets --
International alliances --
A pharmaceutical company : Lifelong --
pt. III. Centers of excellence --
7. Centers of excellence --
A center of excellence in a service company : Insight Monitoring --
Imperial Carpets : an example of the organization and management of a small, growing firm --
Other examples --
Issues of excellence --
Developing tools for the twenty-first century --
Centers of excellence : a checklist --
8. Staffing : the innovative atmosphere --
Preparing the company --
Recruitment --
Appointment --
Training --
Ideas people --
Staffing --
Conclusion --
G.R. Wright and Sons --
9. In-house or contracting out? --
The company B strategy --
A company led by innovation --
10. Design --
New products : technology-design-led --
The design department --
Customer-led innovation --
Almec Design Services Ltd. --
11. Technical research --
The research and development department --
The product development committee --
Stimulation and constraint --
Key issues --
GQ Parachute Limited --
12. High tech --
The high-tech message --
Government intervention --
The St. James's Place Group --
13. New products by branding : basic industries --
Trees and forest management --
Basic industries --
Cross-industry associations --
Codemasters --
pt. IV. Where do we go from here? --
14. Services --
Accountancy and law --
Advertising and publicity --
The hospitality and tourism industries --
Changing terms of business --
Services always important --
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and industry --
15. Market research --
16. Companies and governments : the hostility and the emerging consensus ("poor Mr. Gates") --
17. Failures --
Risk --
18. Investing in new product development --
In an age of obsolescence --
The investment decisions --
Strategic alliances --
19. The product launch : looking ahead, some ethical issues --
The product launch --
Ethical issues.

Brooke brings an academic and Mills a practical background to business management. They argue that innovation is not merely a staff function, but a line-management task that calls for the same aggressive thrust as marketing and sales, and is the responsibility of every officer in the company.


Product Management

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