IES Management College And Research Centre

Marketing management

Kotler, Philip.

Marketing management a South Asian perspective Kotler, Philip; Keller; Kevin Lane; Koshy, Abraham and Jha, Mithileswar. - Delhi Pearson Education 2013 - 728 p. Paper

PART 1 Understanding Marketing Management

Defining Marketing for the 21st Century
Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans

PART 2 Assessing Market Opportunities and Customer Value

Scanning the Marketing Environment, Forecasting Demand, and Conducting Marketing Research
Creating Customer Value and Customer Relationships
Analyzing Consumer Markets
Analyzing Business Markets

PART 3 Choosing Value

Identifying Market Segments and Targets
Competitive Dynamics
Crafting the Brand Positioning
Creating Brand Equity

PART 4 Designing Value

Setting Product Strategy
Designing and Managing Services
Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs

PART 5 Delivering Value

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels
Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics

PART 6 Communicating Value

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications
Managing Mass Communications
Managing Personal Communications

PART 7 Sustaining Growth and Value

Introducing New Market Offerings
Tapping into Global Markets
Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization for the Long Run

Appendix: Sonic Marketing Plan
Image Credits
Name Index
Company, Brand, and Organization Index
Subject Index

Marketing Management is the leading marketing text because it consistently reflects changes in marketing theory and practice. The fourteenth edition of Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective preserves many of the distinguishing features of the past editions and, at the same time, provides revised and updated content from the global as well as local context.


Marketing Management


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