IES Management College And Research Centre

International human resource management :

Dowling, Peter

International human resource management : managing people in a multinational context Peter Dowling; Marion Festing; Allen D Engle, Sr. - 5 - New Delhi Cangage Learning 2008 - xv, 368 p. Paper

1. Introduction: the enduring context of IHRM 2. The Organizational Context 3. The Context of Cross-border Alliances and SMEs 4. Staffing International Operations for Sustained Global Growth 5. Recruiting and Selecting Staff for International Assignments 6. International Training and Development 7. International Compensation 8. Re-entry and Career Issues 9. IHRM in the Host Country Context 10. International Industrial Relations 11. Performance Management 12. IHRM Trends: Complexity, Challenges and Choices in the Future

• Expanded coverage of globalization, strategic IHRM, and the management of expatriates • Two brand-new authors with extended practical & academic international experience—a real international team • Coverage of both MNCs and SMEs---SMEs are often overlooked in the IHRM literature • More coverage of the effects of different cultures on companies & workforces • More on outsourcing to different countries, off-shoring to countries such as India and China • A new section on the attitudes of senior management • A new chapter on sustaining global growth, linking the international HR function more firmly to a company's strategic growth plans


International business enterprises--Human Resource Management


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