Retail shopper empowerment: A consumer-centric measure for store performance
Mishra, Ashis
Retail shopper empowerment: A consumer-centric measure for store performance - 20-36 p.
In this paper, we consider the classic multidimensional consumer empowerment construct and modify it for application in the retail business. We provide an empirical basis for the store strategy using retail shopper empowerment scores. We propose a measure of retail shopper empowerment with appropriate psychometric properties as a consumer-centric and nonfinancial performance metric. By using the retail shopper empowerment metric, the retailers would have an understanding of the consumer preferences regarding store experience. We posit that it is possible to improve customer experience and, in turn, the financial performance of the store by implementing and modifying the retail shopper empowerment framework.
Retail shopper empowerment Consumer experience Nonfinancial performance measures Scale development Retail strategy
Retail shopper empowerment: A consumer-centric measure for store performance - 20-36 p.
In this paper, we consider the classic multidimensional consumer empowerment construct and modify it for application in the retail business. We provide an empirical basis for the store strategy using retail shopper empowerment scores. We propose a measure of retail shopper empowerment with appropriate psychometric properties as a consumer-centric and nonfinancial performance metric. By using the retail shopper empowerment metric, the retailers would have an understanding of the consumer preferences regarding store experience. We posit that it is possible to improve customer experience and, in turn, the financial performance of the store by implementing and modifying the retail shopper empowerment framework.
Retail shopper empowerment Consumer experience Nonfinancial performance measures Scale development Retail strategy