IES Management College And Research Centre

Impact of Forced Distribution System of Performance Evaluation on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

Chattopadhyay, Rachana

Impact of Forced Distribution System of Performance Evaluation on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour - 826–837 p.

Organization can achieve excellence when employees go beyond the formal job requirements and show organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). In one study, Moore and Love (2005) pointed out that information technology (IT) professionals are low in OCB. We have observed most of the IT companies using forced distribution system (FDS) of performance evaluation while categorizing their employees. Therefore, in this study, we were curious to investigate whether there is any impact of FDS on employees’ OCB. This study was conducted on 120 managers, and they were divided into two groups: one group was working under FDS of performance evaluation and the other group was not working under FDS of performance evaluation. Control was taken on managers’ age, gender and managerial experience. Our findings reveal that there is a significant impact of FDS of performance evaluation on OCB. As there are some implementation errors in FDS of performance evaluation, if it is adapted without considering the contingency factors, there might be a chance, after a certain period of working, people feels low satisfaction in their job. As a result, this group of people tries to limit themselves only within their formal job requirement and exhibit low OCB.

Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) Performance Evaluation Forced Distribution System (FDS) Job Satisfaction

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